PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major features
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. The release contains two new major features. Charts You can now integrate charts in your reports. Currently the following chart-types are supported piecharts barcharts 3D-barcharts category-linecharts...
PL-jrxml2pdf - features for next version
I started implementing charts in PL-jrxml2pdf and the next release will have support for barcharts and piecharts. Here a screenshot of the current version: Also, it is now possible to have rotated text. You can try out the actual version on
PL-jrxml2pdf - implementing the charting-part
Last week i was in contact with a developer who wanted to use PL-jrxml2pdf in his project and was quite disappointed that there is currently no support for charts. So i had a look at what chart-capabilities Jasper-reports has and if something similar...
PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major features
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. The release contains two new major features. HTML-markup If you have a datafield containing HTML, PL-jrxml2pdf can render it to PDF. Only a subset of HTML is supported, have a look at...
PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major features
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. The release contains two new major features. Crosstabs Supported are multiple column-groups, row-groups and measures measure-functions COUNT, AVG, SUM, HIGHEST, LOWEST, FIRST, NOTHING...
PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major feature
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. The release contains one new major feature. You can now use the table-component of jrxml. Supported are by now tableHeader, columnHeader, detailCell, columnFooter and tableFooter-cells...
PL-jrxml2pdf - Version
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. There was an issue with version of the database, where the generator simply stopped in the middle of processing. The issue was fixed.
PL-jrxml2pdf - Version
Today i released a new version of PL-jrxml2pdf on the download-page. The functionality of the generator itself didn't change, but i included an APEX-application to manage all the PL-jrxml2pdf-objects and run reports directly in an APEX-application. The...
First public release of PL-jrxml2pdf
Today i released the first public version of PL-jrxml2pdf. The functionality is as described in the last posts. The download includes a (more or less) detailed documentation of the features. You can download the software from using this...
jrXml to PDF - betaversion released to certain testers
Today i released the first "official" betaversion of my generator. It's now beeing testing by some experienced PL/SQL-developers. I hope to get feedback soon, and if it's (hopefully) positive, i will release the version to public. Here's a short list...