PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major feature
After quite a long time without any bigger enhancements i had a little time to implement a new major feature in PL-jrxml2pdf.
You can now use variables e.g. for the calculation of aggregates.
Variables can be used either at report-level or at subdataset-level (e.g. for the usage in tables).
For reset-type and increment-type you can use
- Report
- Group (along with the name of the group)
- Page
- None (which means "for every record)
As calculation-type the following options are supported:
- Sum
- Highest
- Lowest
- Average
- First
- None
Here's a screenshot of an example-report-output
Another new feature in the scope of variables is the possibility to "take over" values from a subreport and use it in the main-report.
New chart-type "Stacked-area-chart"
The gallery of possible charts now includes stacked-area-charts.
As always, everything is available on the download-page