PL-jrxml2pdf - Version - new major feature
Quite shortly after the last release, but i had a little time to implement some new feature in PL-jrxml2pdf and released a new version on the download-page.
Running two or more reports into one PDF
This was something i already wanted to introduce in an earlier version, but never had the time to. You can now call PL-jrxml2pdf with not just one report-definitions, but as many as you want to. The reports are run one after each other, but the important thing is that they all are concatenated into one single PDF-document. And of course the different reports can have different page-formats/sizes.
You can also control whether the page-numbering starts with 1 for each report or if the numbers are continous over all reports.
Check the new overloaded FK_RUN-function which takes an array of report-names as parameter.
By giving values for the internal parameters $$TITLE$$, $$AUTHOR$$, $$SUBJECT$$, $$KEYWORDS$$ you can fill the PDF-metadata-properties title, author, subject and keywords which are accessible in the properties of the generated pdf.
New chart-types
I added two more chart-types, stacked barcharts and stacked 3D-barcharts.